Monday, May 25, 2015

Learning and Preparation

I've met some pretty awesome people recently through doing some volunteering at the local homeless shelter.  Recently I enjoyed meeting a man who was also a volunteer.  We were able to have a fairly lengthy conversation about life and faith.  One of the things that he said repeatedly was, "We are both here tonight for a reason."  That made me thing about all the times in my life when God was preparing me without me even being aware of what was happening.

Every day that I live, God is trying to teach me and prepare me for the next thing that He has planned for me.  When I had a break in my schedule in Mexico, I worked with a couple of the kids on their reading.  When I moved back to the U.S. and dove back into public school, I became a peer tutor, and started helping a young boy with his reading skills.  I was pretty far from a perfect teacher, but I know that the previous experience certainly helped me in the endeavor.

My dad didn't realize he was being called into ministry until I was in the third grade.  Before that, he had been working as a mechanic.  I could easily say that it would have been easier for me if my dad hadn't needed to go back to college when I was in elementary school through my junior high years.  However, when we went to Mexico, the organization we were working with (Fishers of Men) really needed someone who could repair and maintain their vehicles.

My fellow volunteer's words echo in my mind.  "We are both here for a reason."  There is certainly truth in that statement.  God wants to use my experiences to teach me.  God has bigger plans for me than what I've already done, because what I've already done has been part of the process of Him teaching and molding me into what He wants.  I haven't always been willing and He has had to work with me on my stubbornness to give up sinful habits.  This will be a lifelong process and struggle.  But I know that I will endure with His power and strength.  I know that I need to learn to depend on His love, and nothing else.  God is teaching me to live his love everyday that I am alive.

I don't know how my current circumstances are going to be used later, but I know that God has a use for every single day of my life.  It is up to me be a good student and learn from Him.  It is up to me to wake up and give Him every single day, both to serve Him and to learn from Him.

The person that I was volunteering with took some time to share his testimony with me.  I was amazed at his story.  He has such a strong, new faith that left me in awe.  His life before God had not been one of happiness.  It wasn't until he realized that only God could pull him out from where he was that his life became what it is today.

In much the same way, God has plans for everybody.  He wants to help each and everyone of us learn how to live his love.  We just have to humble ourselves and pray.

When I shut up the heavens so that here is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:13-14

I don't want to be content with a drought and locusts.  I need to learn to humble myself, pray, and seek God.

Living in Reckless Abandonment for Jesucristo,

Monday, May 18, 2015


This past week I started a job at the financial aid office.  Right now, there are eight new people, and we are all in training.  In a few weeks we will be the people who answer the e-mails the flood into the financial aid office each day.  We will be able to answer phone calls of people who call with more urgent questions than the questions in the e-mail.

The only thing that we are to do is serve people.  It is so easy for me to forget that serving people needs to go beyond just my work.  I am supposed to serve people everywhere in life, not just when I am being paid to do so.

I'm supposed to serve people when I am in a hurry or when I don't feel good.  It is very easy for me to be self-absorbed and forget to take the time to listen to others and to help others.  That needs to become more of a focus for me.

Christ was a servant and I need to follow his example.

Matthew 20

Living in Reckless Abandonment for Jesucristo,

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day

This past Sunday was Mother's Day.  I would just like to take a moment to acknowledge what an amazing woman my mother is.  I, being the daughter that I am, did not give her a card for Mother's Day this year, so I will write this as a late replacement for it, even though it probably isn't quite as pretty.

My mama is a great role model.  She rarely complains about everything she does.  And she does everything.  Cooks.  Cleans.  Bakes.  Laundry.  And much more.  So I would say that the little bit of complaining that comes out of her mouth is justified and she could easily say much more and do much less.  She is probably the most consistent reader of this blog and most definitely the most regular commentator (I don't write for other people, but when it's published, it's nice to have the affirmation).

My mama has encouraged me to grow in my faith and encouraged me to grow in all areas of life.  She has shown me what unconditional love looks like as she lives her life loving everyone around her, even the ones that are hard to love.  She has taught me how to make some pretty fantastic cookies (albeit, they're never quite as good as hers).  She has shown me the importance of being motivated by God, and not being motivated by people.  She has shown me what it means to live out the fruits of the spirit.  She has lived the joy of Jesus, even when she is in hard circumstances.  She demonstrates restraint and self-control in ways that I don't know I will ever be able to manage.  She is faithful and gentle.

My mama is not perfect.  But she seems pretty close to me.  Thanks, Mama, for all you do!  One day of gratitude a year is not enough for you!  I love you!

Monday, May 4, 2015

The Saturday Before Finals: A Story of Seeking the Internet, Poop, and Strange People

This past Saturday I woke up early, knowing that I needed to get a lot of studying done before Monday morning when my first and most ridiculous final was going to take place.  After I ate an early lunch at 11:00 am, I decided to head to the library, where I knew I would be more efficient.

Unfortunately, upon arrival to the library that is closest to my dorm, I discovered that it does not open until 1:00pm on Saturdays.  Since it was a beautiful day and I didn't want to walk to another library, I decided to sit outside an study to enjoy the warm weather.  I proceeded to a shady location(so that I could see the screen on my computer) and close enough to a building that I had internet connection.  This location seemed absolutely ideal.  It was decently secluded, the grass was green, the sun was warm, I could search the internet, and download my professors' powerpoint slides as necessary.  As I continued to study I laid down on the soft grass and enjoyed the spring day.

Eventually my elbows grew tired of me leaning on them, so I sat up.  I then proceeded to look at the imprint on the grass that my body had left.  I had flattened the grass quite well.  Now that the grass was flat, you could more clearly see things that had been formerly been hiding between the blades.  Much to my dismay, I discovered that I had been laying on rabbit poop.  And I'm not talking about just one pile.  As I looked more closely at the unflattened grass around me I realized that I was surrounded by multiple piles.

At this point I decided that it would be best if I took a study break to stretch my legs and find a bathroom to blow my nose, as Spring allergies are my reality this time of year.  I also decided that it would be best to find a new location that was a bit cleaner.

I ended up switching locations another time after that (in pursuit of an internet connection outside).  However, that was when I ended up next to the Engineering Fountain.  I decided to just enjoy people watching.  It was quite humorous to watch as people ran through the water and screamed at the stark temperature change.  There was also a man with a pineapple duct taped to each hand.  I questioned the efficiency of this, as he was only eating from one of them, but I decided not to ponder this for too long since it didn't really concern me.

My last Saturday as a Freshman in college I spent sitting in rabbit poop, looking for a sunny patch with internet, and watching people run through a fountain.  It was great.  I was able to study but also be at peace with realizing that my grade isn't and shouldn't be the most important thing in my life.  I was also able to laugh at myself, realizing that I was sitting in feces.

Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
Ephesians 5:15-16