Monday, June 8, 2015


At the beginning of this past week I took an inventory of what I have in my kitchen so that I can decide if I needed to go grocery shopping.  During my inventory I discovered that I had a lot of potatoes that needed to be used very soon, or they were going to go bad.  Not wanting to waste perfectly good food, I decided that I would need to eat lots of potatoes this week.  Each night for supper I had something with potatoes.  I steamed potatoes and put a variety of things on each one for a different night.  One of the easiest things I like to make is scrambled eggs with potato and shredded cheese.  It may sound weird if you've never tried it, but it's quite good.  Basically, you bake or steam the potato first and then cut it into cubes and fry it with your scrambled eggs.

One night while I was cutting a hot potato into cubes to add to my scrambled eggs, I ate a plain piece of cooked potato.  I didn't really like the way that it tasted.  I have written a previous blog about that fact that I really enjoy potatoes, so why didn't I like this potato?  Quite simply, it needed salt.  It needed something to add flavor and suppress the bitterness so that I could taste the potato (salt brings out flavor in food partly because of suppressing the bitterness in any given food).

Once I had finished preparing my meal and there was a little bit of salt added, I was able to much more wholly enjoy my potato and egg mixture with all of its flavor.  While I sat and ate, I began to think about being the salt of the world.

You are the salt of the earth.  But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?  it is not longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.
Matthew 5:13

  Quite simply, salt is super important.  God asks me to be salt.  He asks me to bring out the good in the world for Him, just as salt helps to bring out good flavor in food.  He will help me to do so.  He asks me to preserve the morals of the world, just as salt helps preserve food.  Biologically speaking, life is not possible without salt.  Spiritually speaking, it is not possible to have a healthy faith if I am not being salt.  I hope that I am the salt of the world, showing God's light by bringing out the good.  

Living in Reckless Abandonment for Jesucristo,

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