Monday, June 22, 2015

A Father from Heaven

This Sunday was Father's Day.  A month and a half ago I took the time to acknowledge my mother.  Now it is my dad's turn.  My dad was the parent who was almost always cracking a joke while the other parent was trying to do one hundred other things.  The parent who would start a wrestling match with the kids just before bedtime.  But when it came down to it, he was also the parent who enforced the rules.  I only remember being spanked once.  It did not come from my mother, but from my father (and yes, the spanking was earned).

My earthly father here on earth showed me who my Heavenly Father is.  My father fixed physical things around the house.  He was a handy-man.  My Heavenly Father fixes my soul and dries my tears.  My earthly father spent time with me as a child, amazing me with his knowledge of the world and teaching me things I did not know.  My Heavenly Father reminds me that I am still a child and continues teaching me lessons with incredible patience.  My father showed me where the rules were and taught me to respect them, just as my Heavenly Father convicts me and lovingly shows me when I need to turn and go a different direction.  My father has shown me how to work hard, but also how to play hard, just as God asks us to be a servant but reminds us to rest.

I am truly blessed.  God chose to put two incredible people in my life to act as role models during my most vulnerable and malleable years.  They have both taught me the love of God through the way they live their lives.  They each live their lives as an act of service.  As I continue on this journey of life and learn the lessons that God is teaching me, I can not think of a way to say thank you enough to both of my parents. They have been showing me what it means to live a Godly life from the first day I was born.

As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him
Psalm 103:13

Living in Reckless Abandonment for Jesucristo,

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