Saturday, November 14, 2015

Krystal's Testimony

This week, I have a guest blogger.  Meet Krystal, a friend of mine.  She has recently felt lead to share her testimony with the world.  I know that reading through it blessed my heart and I trust that it will bless you as well.  Here it is:

When I was in 3rd grade,  I wasn't a popular kid.  I didn't really even fit in at all. I was 
called names from kindergarten. They started with four eyes, then led to stupid and retard. 
Third grade was the worse. The other kids in my class was making fun of the way I read. 
They never stopped putting me down. Even some of my so called friends joined in. It never 
stopped, on the bus ride to school, at school, and on the bus ride home. I felt lost and had 
no confidence, and I had no self esteem. My reading problem wasn't the start, but it made 
it worse. I wanted to fit in so bad. I told myself I would do anything. 

Well by the end of the year, my parents had talked to my 3rd grade teacher. She told them 
what was going on. She told them to see about this private school. It was called Phillips 
Christian Academy (PCA). We checked it out. I was so excited about this school. My parents 
enrolled me that next school year. But the only thing was I had to take 3rd grade again. Yes 
this was my parents' and teacher's idea. I wasn't very happy, but I got over it.  

What I learned over the next 6 years is why I'm still standing here. Yes, I thought of 
ending my life because I felt like no one cared. I felt there was no way out. But a small voice 
came and said, "Don't! I love you, and you know it. You don't know what plans I have for 
your life. You are loved more than you will ever know."   I believe that voice I heard that day 
was God. See, I learned that Jesus was made fun of, and He didn't fit in either. People hated 
Him. I couldn't believe it. Why didn't He do something about it?  He was God's son.  Why
didn't He just prove who He was? But He didn't do anything.  He just let them make fun, bet 
on Him, and even kill Him. He died on the cross for me. He didn't do it just for me.  He did it 
for you.  He loves me and you so much He died for us. Wow!  I was on fire for God then.  I 
was baptized and accepted Christ in my life on September  13, 2002. It was a Friday, the 
thirteenth.  I gave my life to Him. 

 But my story didn't stop there. Freshmen year I decided it was time for me to go 
back to Pioneer.  I was afraid, but I remember I wasn't the same person anymore. God was 
right there with me. I found some pretty awesome friends, and most of them loved God. 
Wow!  Things were going better than planned.  But then I put God behind for what I 
wanted. See, like every teenager girl, I wanted a boyfriend more than anything. But I 
wanted to do it right.  I wanted him to have respect for me, good looking, of course, and 
love God.  Well, I went the opposite way. I dated someone that didn't believe in God.  It 
didn't seem like a problem, but it was. Summer happened, and we drifted.  We never saw 
each other.  We broke up a few months into the school year.  Yes, I was upset, but I 
remembered  what I asked God for.  I prayed my heart out so many times for my heart not 
to get broken, but it did because I was selfish and couldn't wait any longer.  That was a 
mistake, but God did protect my heart.  He was there through it all.  I didn't have to wait 
much longer.  Within a week, I was dating a guy that not only loved the Lord, but me.  

Why I'm telling you this part of my life is so you don't make the same mistakes.  Put 
God first in your life.  It might not be fun at times, but it will be worth it. Not everyone will 
find the one when they are 16.  Not everyone will marry their first kiss.  Yes, I did marry my 
high school sweetheart, my first kiss, and my best friend.  But I prayed and trusted God with 
it.  Also if you let God take the wheel, it will be amazing.  Just trust Him.  It is really hard. 
Trust me.  I have failed Him more than I ever thought I would.  I have fail so many time, but 
don't give up because you don't get what you want because God has some awesome plans, 
big plans, and way better than ours.  

Also my senior year, an English teacher told me if I would see my file, I would just 
laugh.  She said she read it so many times over and over again.  She couldn't believe I was 
the same girl.  She told me that little girl that is in your file is gone.  God did that.  He has 
changed me.   If you told me that I would be sharing my story of how God has worked in my 
life with others, I would have laughed at you and told you I couldn't do that.  But like I said, 
He has big plans for you.  Don't be scared.  Be on fire for Him!  Give all the glory to Him 
because I know I'm nothing without Him.  Plus God is still changing me. He will never stop. My story is still on going. Just know that He loves you and cares for you more than you know. He will never leave you or forsake you. 

Shinning His light in this dark world,
Krystal Shaffer

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