To Whom it may concern:
Deciding what college to attend has not been as simple as I originally thought it would be. My heart has been torn between two colleges of high standards and quality for sometime. As a teenager, I didn't want to completely disregard my parents advise as an act of rebellion; nor did I want to blindly follow them, as it is not their life.
I have talked to many people who are older and wiser than me. I have talked to people my age. I've asked almost anyone who would listen and offer advice. I've received advice from people I didn't want advice from (Sorry, sometimes I just have to end a sentence in a preposition). Through the many conversations I've had regarding this decision I've learned a few things:
1. Everyone has their own biases.
This statement might seem rather arbitrary and biased in itself, but as I continued to try to find a source that would only tell me the facts about which college was better, I discovered that every source and every person is biased. Everyone perceives things differently, and when asked about that particular subject they will share with you their perception, which isn't necessarily the true reality of the matter.
2. This choice really is a matter of opinion, and you should make it based on your own, educated opinion.
This statement may seem very obvious, but it took me a long time to come to this conclusion in my head, even though people and articles told me that statement many times.
Upon realizing this second point and due to recent events, I have chosen where I will attend college. Through God prodding at my heart and reassuring me through the scripture (Jeremiah 1:5; Deuteronomy 31:6), and through prayerful consideration (I Thessalonians 5:17; Psalm 145:18) I have concluded that this coming fall I will attend Purdue University as a Biology major. Hopefully (and with a lot of hard work), in four years I will know where I will attend medical school.
Between now and then I pray that I may be a light before men, that they may see how I act and praise my heavenly Father (Matthew 5:16)
Living in Reckless abandon for Jesucristo,
P.S. "Real gold fears no fire." -Randy Alcorn
We love you, Joanna ! So proud of you !