Monday, March 11, 2013

When the School Smells like Cat Pee

My Sunday school teacher told us a story yesterday.  It went something like this:

There was a set of twins, one was a pessimist and the other was an optimist.  A scientist took the pessimist and put him in a room full of toys.  A few hours later, the scientist came back and the pessimist said, "Why did you put me in this room??  That toy needed batteries, and this toy wasn't fun."  The scientist realized that no matter where the pessimist was, he would not be happy.
Then, they scientist put the optimist in a room full of manure.  I few hours later, the scientist came back to hear the hooping and hollering of the optimist who was digging through the manure, having a great time.  The scientist said, "What in the world are you doing???" To which the optimist replied, "With all this manure, there has got to be a pony somewhere!"

The idea of this story is to point out that you should look for the positive side of things.  When your school smells like cat pee,(like mine did, on this fine Monday morning) or you have too much homework, or you're stressed out, or going through other trials, look to the bright side.  After all, you may just end up with a free kitten, stronger faith, a higher intellectual level, or a closer relationship with God.

Note: I never did find out why my school smelled like cat pee, and I didn't get a free kitten.  However, the odor was the source of some very interesting conversations I had today.

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